My Top 10 Tips for Getting Your Favorite Driver's Autograph
Here are my Top 10 tips for getting your favorite driver's autograph. Let me know which one is your favorite, or if I left any out! :) -JG
1. Get to the track early. Race day is almost impossible.
2. If you know any VIPs, ask for a pit pass.
3. Or, if you know any VVIPs, get an invite to the drivers' meeting.
4. Stand near entrance to garage area and hold up a really big sign showing your loyalty. ('I Luv 24' is a good start!)
5. If you do get close to a driver, be persistent. Seize the moment and ask for forgiveness later!
6. Learn to walk backwards or have a good spotter! Drivers are always on the move.
7. Don't 'ask' if you can have an autograph. This is no time to be over-polite. A driver's time is valuable at the track.
8. Do NOT ask for an autograph while in the bathroom! Or if the driver is in a serious talk with the crew chief. Car may need some work!
9. Those that work it best know when and where their favorite driver is at all times. Stay close to one of these folks.
10. Stay calm at all times and be patient. Wait for your moment, then move in fast!
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