'@NASCAR #AskJG Instagram Takeover Transcript
Did you participate in the @NASCAR #AskJG Instagram takeover last year on 9/18/2013? If not, here's the transcript from the Q&A.
How are you feeling about these next 9 races of the Chase and how do you think you can continue and be a contender for the championship? #AskJG
I think that our best is yet to come. There are several tracks over these last 9 that are really good for us. After getting off to a good start, can't wait to get to New Hampshire. #AskJG
With all you've accomplished in your career & personal life what can you say is the one thing you've yet to accomplish that would be a huge achievement for you? Thanks! #AskJG
Certainly would love to win a Sprint Cup which has alluded me so far and to see my children live out their dreams and support them in every way that I can as a parent. #AskJG
After a strong run to begin the chase in Chicago, what are your thoughts going into New Hampshire which is historically a good track for you? #AskJG
Really excited about New Hampshire. One of our best tracks. All @teamhendrick teams tested there. Hopefully we learned everything we need there to go win. #AskJG
What's the best advice you can give to some who really has their eyes set on something but keeps having bumps in the road? #AskJG
Just like what our race team has gone through the last couple years, continue to work hard and like this team, "We just never gave up." #AskJG
Hey Jeff, have you ever sneezed going full speed during a race? #AskJG
I have sneezed. It's not a comforting feeling at 200mph. It's probably only happened to me twice in my 20 years in the Cup series. #AskJG
Hey Jeff, just wanted to ask how much longer you see yourself racing now that you have a family? And how has having a family effected your outlook on life and racing? #AskJG
I feel like I have a few more good years in me. Having a family has definitely helped me appreciate my career and the things that I've accomplished, as well as motivate me to want to continue being successful and do more off the track. #AskJG
Hey Jeff ! My names Cierra! I'm a huge fan! I tweet at you all the time! And I watch you every week! But my question is out of the next 9 races which are you most looking forward to and why? (: #AskJG
Probably Martinsville. It's one of my best tracks. We've been very strong there already this year, and just like we've been given a second chance on the season, looking forward to a second chance at Martinsville. Thanks for all the tweets! #AskJG
In a regular car has anyone passed you and you thought “it's not the 500 dude!"? #AskJG
It happens to me all the time! #AskJG
What is your thought on winning the fifth championship with no victory for the first time in your career? #AskJG
I see you've already given up! The season's not over yet! #AskJG
What's the craziest thing that's ever happened in your career? #AskJG
The 6 days prior to Chicago last week! #AskJG
Where is the nicest place you've been to?
South of France - great food, great weather, a lot of fun. #AskJG
What's been your favorite memory over the course of your Cup career? #AskJG
A lot of great memories, but if I had to pick one it would be winning the inaugural Brickyard 400......well, and winning at Homestead, having my family in Victory Lane. #AskJG
Do you have any pre-race rituals? Superstitions? #AskJG
Not big on superstitions, but I do like to stick to a routine. A routine that keeps me focused and flows the same way, that some may say is superstitious....so I guess you could say so. Haha. #AskJG
I have always been your biggest fan Jeff! My question is do you have different wheels that you use for different tracks for example when you are at a short track that takes more steering input do you use a steering wheel that is more comfortable than another? #AskJG
We have different ratio (faster for shorter tracks) steering boxes for several different tracks and I do have a specific steering wheel that I run on a road course that's a little smaller, but other than that I run the same steering wheel. #AskJG
You jumped six spots but lost 9 points. How do you overcome that to win a championship?
Great observation. We have some very strong tracks coming up that will favor us. We'll have to step our performance there, such as tracks like Phoenix and Kansas. Kenseth is proving to be the driver to beat. #AskJG
Hey Mr. Gordon! I would just like to say I’m with #TEAM24 no matter what and I knew you guys had that fire in you! My queston is what was it like when you found out how many of your fans were behind you after what happened in Richmond? #AskJG
It felt amazing! That’s what I love about social media is interacting with the fans and having that instant feedback - good or bad, but last week was a highlight for me interacting with my fans. Thank you so much! #AskJG
What’s the hardest part about being a NASCAR driver? #AskJG
Hardest part is winning. Competition is extremely tough. You have to put in a lot of time and effort with the team to be better than the rest. #AskJG
Jeff, Your car looks strong but on restarts it seems it takes you a few to get up to let the car come in? What steps are your team taking to be more competitive since restarts are very important especially during green-white-checkered restarts ? One of your biggest fans, John. #AskJG
I like a car that's good on the long runs. It's something that we work hard on. At times it can hurt us on the restarts, but with double file restarts there are certain tracks where I have to work harder at getting better restarts. #AskJG
What track would you like to race at in the chase if you had a choice? Why? #AskJG
I think that some would certainly want to see a road course in the Chase, but if I had my choice it would be Bristol - short track racing at its finest. #AskJG
Hi Mr Jeff Gordan! I have been following your career since the beginning. There has been a lot more rules put into racing just this last ten years do you think it’s for the better or for the worse? I am from the Bay area but I’m living in Vegas right now taking care of my mom, would you like to see NASCAR come to Vegas 2 times a year? #AskJG
Thanks for all of your support and being a longtime fan. Love the Bay area. Go Niners! Don't forget its "Gordon" with an "on". #AskJG
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